Archive for the marvelous! Category

Learning and giving

Posted in changes are about to happen, gargarita rita, it's me, kewl stuff, marvelous! on February 20, 2010 by gargalina

I learned something tonigh. That is that I should definitely (no matter how far it is) appreciate what I have and who I have in my life. Never take it for granted again and live and love it each second of my life.

I also believe that I taught someone something (or I hope so): never look in the past and think you’ve made a mistake. No matter what you’ve done, or who you’ve done it to (count youself in there as well), that made you what you are today, a better, stronger, more intelligent  human being.

Enjoy life! It is worth it. To the end!!!!

Gifts from destiny

Posted in marvelous!, Sweet(heart), who knows? on August 4, 2009 by gargalina

Last week and the entire weekend have been a gift from destiny.  I don’t want to say too much about it but I have never felt as happy and appreciated… never have I felt so hopeful that life can be better, that I deserve more and that I will receive more.

Thank you, you know who you are, for sharing yourself with me, for giving me hope and making me feel good about myself again.

Kisses from Brasov, Romania, Europe, Earth, Milky Way, the Universe… to you… to Yorkshire, UK, Europe, Earth, Milky Way, the Universe.

All I can do now is hope… to see you again

Me again!

Posted in marvelous! on May 16, 2008 by gargalina

Imi doresc… Imi doresc sa ma pot bucura ca atunci cand eram mica pentru orice raza de soare, orice floare, primul fulg de zapada si primele “flori” de gheata de pe geam … Sa raspund unui zambet primit cu un zambet si sa nu-mi fie teama sa o fac sau sa nu ma incrunt si sa zis “ce ciudat” cand mi se zambeste. O prietena spunea “The distance from one point to another is a line away… The distance from a person to another is a smile away” si are multa dreptate, nu credeti?

Asa ca si eu va zambesc, tuturor, din tot sufletul. Si de ce o fac? Pentru ca pot si pentru ca imi doresc asta…

Am o zi buna si va pot impartasi si voua acest secret . Enjoy!

The smell of a satisfying day!!

Posted in marvelous! on May 16, 2008 by gargalina

Azi ma simt implinita.

Aveti idee , voi “fanii” mei, de ce? Pai dak nu stiti deja,va spun eu care-i faza, de fapt care-s fazele:

1. cand m-am trezit era soare afara, cald si frumos, numai bine pentru o plimbare pana in oras la ora 4 fara 5 minute (cand trebuia sa fiu deja la munca, but who cares anyway!! 🙂 ) cu un tzel bine definit in minte!

2. M-am suit intr-un taxi condus de un vitezoman (in cazul in care nu stiati imi place viteza la nebunie )

3. Am ajuns la Universal, un magazin fitzos (deci prin prisma faptului ca am cumparat si eu de acolo nu sunt altceva decat o superficiala fitzoasa :)) – glumesc evident)

4. Am intrat la raionul de parfumuri, dak nu stiti unde este va spun eu, la parter, cum intri pe dreapta

5. M-am dus si am mirosit unul din parfumurile mele preferate (Yves Saint Laurent – M7) si apoi am mai mirosit inca unul care de curand a intrat pe lista preferatelor mele (Lolita Lempicka)

6. Buuun. In acel moment aveam de ales. Ori primul ori al doilea.  Sau poate amandoua?? Nu stiam ce sa fac sincer, pentru ca primul era 200 Ron la 50 ml, al doilea la 30 ml era 160 Ron. Diferenta? Primul apa de toaleta, al doilea parfum. Si totusi primul era pe lista de mai mult timp decat al doilea, diferenta de pret nu era considerabila…. Dar sa le iau pe amandoua.. too much is too much!

7. M-am hotarat. Il iau pe al doilea. E mai feminin si azi simteam nevoia sa fiu feminina.

8. Acum tin sa va spun ca sunt extrem de incantata. Imi sta bine acest parfum si promit sa-mi mai cumpar (evident abia dupa ce-mi fac pofta cu primul parfum – M7).

Ar trebui sa trageti si voi o fuga p-acolo, you never know!!